The "Funtanassa" Cistern
Among the oldest cisterns, mentioned in documents, there is certainly the one known as "a Funtanassa" (whose fountain we have already seen), enclosed within the circle of walls dating back to 1321; it opens onto Via Romolo Moreno, (once Via alla Costa) and since its origin has been fed by a small canal that collects water filtering from the ground and that can be seen at the back of the cistern.
This trickle of water, which has a high limestone content, and the fact that it has not been altered over the years, has formed a number of small stalactites and stalagmites all along the gully and also a sort of tiny cave that makes the environment absolutely striking and spectacular.
In the mid-1990s, the fountain, now unused and abandoned for a long time, the water being polluted due to the improper connection of the basin with
the sewerage pipe made in previous years, and therefore giving off an unpleasant smell, was purchased by a private individual.
When he found it full of various types of waste, he patiently, and above all with the help of a tractor, emptied it and discovered the spring that fed the funtanassa.
This work brought to light many parts of the environment that had never been explored before, but above all the wall at the bottom of the cellar, as mentioned above, covered with stalactites and stalagmites.
Now the water dripping from the wall is very pure and through a small channel it reaches the basin behind the fountain, from which it was fed.
The interior of the fountain can today only be visited by appointment and only for guided tours.