
Via FeraldiHe was born in Sanremo to Lorenzo and Antonia Gerbolini.

Litografia del Rio San RomoloBeing the owner of the buildings and of the gardens and vegetable gardens that flanked the San Romolo stream in the stretch between the Vallotto bridge and the Via Vittorio bridge, in 1863 he applied to the Municipality to cover that stretch of stream with a new road, participating for two thirds of the total cost.

The Council approved the application, thanked Feraldi and decided to give the name of the new road. The road, for the construction of which there were inconveniences and complaints because of the building site, was finished in 1866 and the entrepreneur had the opportunity to build together with the Asquasciati family on both sides of the new road.

The covering of the torrent inevitably led to the disappearance of the bridge that connected Via Palazzo with Piazza del Mercato, called Vallotto or Cavallo or San Siro (ancient Roman bridge) and a mill.

However, the bridge was not destroyed, but remained buried: the recent works for the construction of the new spillway have brought it to light again.
Vallotto Bridge rebuilt

Ponte Vallotto rebuiltIt has been completely dismantled, stone after stone and is partly rebuilt on the square of Pian di Nave, next to Santa Tecla, as part of the Pigna - Mare project.

On 25 March 1885 he died in Sanremo.

(source : text Marco Mauro; images from private archive)