The Hotel with various names 

The Hotel des Iles Bitanniques

The building was built in 1870 and immediately took the name Hotel des Iles Britanniques.

Hotel Continental Palace with writing on the side of the railway The Hotel des Iles Bitanniques seen from Corso ImperatriceIn the first decades of the 20th century it was renovated and took the name Continental Palace Hotel.

Miramare Palace with a view of the park and the railway on the rightIn 1935 finally, in the current name of Hotel Miramare.

Hotel Miramare towards the gardens

This hotel was frequented mainly by foreigners and could show off in its reception rooms important works of art such as The Lady in Grey, painted in 1894 by Filippo Grosso on commission of Queen Margherita of Savoy.

Hotel Miramare and its beachAmong its most illustrious guests were Evita Peron and General Charles De Gaulle.

(various text sources; private images)