One of the late medieval palaces
Situated in Piazza dei Dolori opposite the Oratory of San Sebastiano and the old Palazzo Pretorio, the building, owned first by the Gentile family, then by the Spinola family and with one floor already belonging to the Conrieri family, has an architectural structure that presumably dates back to the late Middle Ages, but was subsequently modified and remodelled with an
overall redevelopment of the building carried out in 1702 by master Gio Martino.
The palace, which still retains the character of a rich and sumptuous aristocratic residence, has a large overhead loggia overlooking the rear elevation of the building in the direction of the road up the Pigna hill, while the interior of the main floor is enriched with Renaissance and 17th century wall paintings, including some frescoes depicting allegorical motifs, as
well as a series of precious furnishings.
The building currently houses the Municipality's Historical Centre Restoration Service.
(sources: text by Andrea Gandolfo; images from private archives)