Lawyer and historian

Scritto di Giuseppe Grossi

On 13th June 1810 Giuseppe Grossi was born in Sanremo. After completing his first studies in the city he graduated in Law in Genoa.

When he returned to Sanremo he devoted himself to his professional activity but his passion for historical studies led him to collect ancient documents in order to write a great history of Sanremo: unfortunately there is no trace of this work to date.

He published numerous studies of local history in the Rivista Ligure di Scienze e Lettere, including a beautiful monograph on Francesco Maria Gaudio.

His best known work is the one written to refute the History of the City of Sanremo by Girolamo Rossi published by Gandolfi in 1867: in this book entitled Observations on the History of the City of Sanremo for Gerolamo Rossi, the Grossi made a careful and punctilious criticism of the work of the historian from Ventimiglia, demonstrating an innumerable series of errors and inaccuracies that considerably prejudice the work itself.

He died in Sanremo on 9th February 1887.

(source: Marco Mauro)